Jordi Perelló received the 2019 IEEE Communications Society Charles Kao Award for Best Optical Communications & Networking Paper

Jun 25, 2019

This award will be given to papers published in the IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN) that open new lines of research, envision bold approaches to optical communication and networking, formulate new problems to solve, and essentially enlarge the field of optical communications and networking. Papers published in the prior three calendar years of JOCN are eligible for the award. The author(s) need not be an IEEE member.

2019 Award Recipients

Jordi Perelló, Joan M. Gené, Albert Pagès, Jose A. Lazaro, Salvatore Spadaro

"Flex-Grid/SDM Backbone Network Design with Inter-Core XT-Limited Transmission Reach"IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Vol.8, Issue: 8, pp. 540-552, August 2016.

