Site news
David López new coordinator of the "Comisión Ejecutiva de la AENUI"
David López Álvarez receives the award for one of the best contributions to JENUI 2024
Pau Ferrer receives the Enrique Fuentes Quintana Prize for the best doctoral thesis (directed by professors Jorge García Vidal and José M. Barceló Ordinas) in the area of Engineering, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Architecture in the 2022-2023 call
The professor of the Department of Computer Architecture (DAC) Fermín Sánchez has been awarded the FIB Mention in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the life of the faculty
Sergi Abadal Cavalle, Mario Cesar Acosta Cobos, Rosa Maria Badia Sala, Xavier Masip Bruin and Jordi Torres Vinyals among the research staff with highly cited articles in the 2024 report
They measure, for the first time, radioactive alpha particles remotely with drones. The research has been carried out within the framework of the European Project RemoteALPHA, in collaboration with other European research centres.
Jaime Delgado appointed co-lead of the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health Data Security Work Stream
David López Álvarez receives the UPC prize to the "Qualitat en la Docència Universitària 2024", category teaching career.
Mateo Valero's interviat a el Periódico de Aragón
Cristina Barrado has appeared in the 2023 edition of the top 2% researchers in the world